Monday, December 03, 2012

More Sea Ice Than On This Date In 1979 | Real Science
On this date in 1979, there was 20.15 million km^2 of sea ice on Earth. Today there is 20.20 million km^2.
Monster snowfall traps Russian drivers in giant traffic jam
Traffic was backed up for as much as 120 miles (200 km) along the Rossiya federal highway connecting Moscow and St. Petersburg.
EPA To Fine Fairbanks Residents For Not Agreeing To Freeze To Death | Real Science
It is -40 in Fairbanks, and people are burning wood to keep their family alive. The EPA says this is unhealthy and is planning to fine them.
New Ice Surveys Finds Slower Ice-sheet Melting | The Resilient Earth
It is striking that supporters of calamitous climate change always base their projections on the last three decades or so—a period that was, in fact, a time of increasing warmth. In this case, they found melting ice around the globe, just not as much as often claimed and certainly not justification for projections into the future for 50 or 100 years. Go back 150 years and people were not worried about retreating glaciers but advancing ones.
A meter of snow in many parts of Sweden
More than three feet of snow causes major problems on E4.

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