Friday, January 25, 2013

Sen. Whitehouse vs the ‘Deniers’ – Addendum on Ocean Acidification
It’s a familiar pattern. Al Gore would have us believe that if we acknowledge the reality of anthropogenic global warming, then we must also believe in his ”planetary emergency” and embrace his policy agenda as a moral imperative. Similarly, the Gorethodox would have us believe that if CO2 emissions make sea water slightly more acidic (actually, slightly less basic), then corals and other calcifying organisms are headed for disaster and, again, we have a moral imperative to stop mountaintop coal mining, block the Keystone XL pipeline, etc.
AG Swanson sues wind-energy firm for bilking Minnesota farmers |
Elgin farmer Mark Schroeder knew something serious was wrong when he heard a noise coming from his new windmill that sounded like a helicopter landing on the roof of his house.

"You could hear the noise two or three miles away," Schroeder said.

The windmill shook furiously atop its 160-foot tower. Black smoke billowed from the control unit. Schroeder said he tried shutting off the power, but the windmill's three 25-foot-long blades continued spinning furiously. One of the 500-pound blades eventually sheared off and flew about 300 feet into a field, bringing his dream of energy independence crashing to earth.
Maggie Q nude for PETA and climate change
For the new ad, the 33-year-old (now a vegan) is once again nude and covered in body paint representing the Earth. She is asking everyone to “Fight Climate Change with Diet Change” and go veg.

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