Thursday, February 07, 2013

Good luck with that: Professor Tedesco hopes that art can convince people "that there is no political agenda behind scientists communicating climate change"

climate data into art
"Art is a powerful messenger," added Professor Tedesco. "I hope that we will be able to help people understand that there is no political agenda behind scientists communicating climate change. The results we are showing in this exhibit are a clear message that the Arctic – and Greenland in particular – is strongly affected by the changes we are observing all over our planet."
 Flashback: IPCC lead author Raymond T. Pierrehumbert displays his alleged lack of political agenda
IPCC lead author Pierrehumbert does an extremely poor job of pretending he's a politically disinterested, just-the-facts man of science: He refers to "little fantasies that many of us progressives use to fend off the nightmare of a Romney win"

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