Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Predicting Power Madness at Decadal Scales
The arithmetic that damns so-called renewable energy is perfectly simple, yet the nation’s prosperity is being hocked to pay for entry into the Solar Fraud.
More Polar Devastation | Real Science
Arctic sea ice is almost identical to 1989, except that there is a lot more ice around Alaska now than there was 24 years ago. Climate experts say that Alaska is the fastest warming place on the planet, and the canary in the coal mine.
Arctic Meltdown Update : Ice The Same Thickness As 1940 | Real Science
In February 1940, Russians reported that North Pole ice was two metres thick.
In February 2013, the US Navy reports that North Pole ice is two metres thick.
C3: Evidence Points To Declining Cloud Coverage As Real Cuprit For 80's and 90's Global Warming
The IPCC's catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) hypothesis is on verge of collapse as non-existent warming facts force unpleasant admissions of truth - and, the empirical evidence implicates increasing clouds as being the culprit for the halt of warming

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