Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Rasmussen poll says likely voters, by 66 percent to 21 percent, say creating jobs is "more important" than "taking steps to stop global warming"

Voters, 2-1, put jobs ahead of global warming
By a two-to-one margin, 66 percent to 23 percent, likely voters polled by Rasmussen Reports said creating jobs was "more important" than "taking steps to stop global warming."

The results are a blow to President Obama's desire spelled out in his Inaugural Address to make climate change his biggest environmental issue of his second term. It also highlights the desire by the nation to get him focused on jobs and cutting the unemployment rate.

Rasmussen also noted another significant finding in his February 14.15 poll of 1,000 likely voters: Just 25 percent believe Americans are selfish for putting their economic worries ahead of the environment. Rasmussen said that was the "lowest level measured in years."

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