Sunday, February 03, 2013

The Super Bowl [Allegedly] Saves The Country A Whole Lot Of Energy
OPower concludes that its report shows the importance "TV pooling," or watching TV with others. But in order to get such dramatic energy declines on a weekly basis, television executives are going to have to come up with a whole lot of shows that are as widely appealing and entrancing as the Super Bowl.
China now burning as much coal as the rest of the world combined
China’s coal use grew 9 percent in 2011, rising to 3.8 billion tons. At this point, the country is burning nearly as much coal as the rest of the world combined.
There’s just one catch: India is also growing rapidly and demanding ever more coal. By 2017, the IEA expects India to become the world’s second-largest coal consumer, surpassing the United States.

Who do you trust? A warmist or your lying eyes? | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
For Australia, the realisation that it is [allegedly] being soundly beaten by China in the global clean technology race should be a call to action.

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