Monday, March 25, 2013

Flagship Daily DIE WELT Stuns Germany: “Scientists Warn Of Ice Age”, Cites New Peer-Reviewed Russian Study
Increasingly it seems more and more scientists are now seeing huge opportunity in overturning one of the most ballyhooed scientific hypotheses of modern time, funding be damned.
A question for Dr. Michael Mann – Would a professional scientist behave this way? | Watts Up With That?
A simple “no” would suffice, but Dr. [Michael "Robust Debate"] Mann seems determined to denigrate people that have different views than him such as Dr. Spencer’s Christian faith. How unprofessional.

It is yet another example of Climate Ugliness that pervades the mindset of AGW proponents.
Flashback: It's all so confusing: After warmist Gore declared the debate over in 1992, warmist Mann suggests we should have a robust debate now?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Except that Robust Debate shouldn't be with REAL CLIMATE SCIENTISTS who don't subscribe to Mannian FAITH on Gorebull Warming!!! (see your post on his ad homming Dr. Spencer!!)