Saturday, March 02, 2013

The Reference Frame: AGW petition by Ranga Myneni: 1 billion signatures left
Almost everyone will agree that Mr Myneni is a loon if he really expects to collect one billion of signatures. But similar loons have actually begun to influence the economic and other policies of advanced nations in the world. They have no clue about anything but they are already (mis)directing billions of dollars...
Polar Bear Blog – Volcanoes Help Polar Bears Myth: Probable!!! | Polar Bear Alley – Guide to the Polar Bears of Churchill
Here is the tricky part… over my beer and pizza, I found that in the late 1970s and thru the 1980s, mid-sized, and some quite large, sulphuric eruptions were a lot more prevalent than in the 1990s. Basically, this specific kind of volcanic eruption ‘dries up’ right when the earth starts warming the most rapidly. There was some rebound in the 2000s but not really a whole lot. I’ve been waiting for someone to ‘prove’ this… University of Boulder Colorado just did – by accident, but whatever…

So, if Janus’ deductions are correct, our baseline data for Churchill’s polar bears may have come at a time when the earth was artificially cool. As in, conditions were abnormally favourable for polar bears… the same conclusion I came to a few years ago. Normal carrying capacity for Hudson Bay really could be 900-1000 bears… things might be ‘okay’.
Spring Brings Near Record Cold To The Greenland Meltdown | Real Science
We are into the first week of meteorological spring, and Greenland is experiencing near record cold. If the forecast is correct, Tuesday will be within six degrees of the coldest temperature ever recorded in Greenland.
US February Temperatures On The Decline : NOAA Fraud On The Incline | Real Science
February temperatures were well below normal in the US
February temperatures have been on the decline for at least 90 years.
By tampering with the data, NOAA turns this cooling trend into a warming trend.

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