Monday, April 15, 2013

Al Gore is sexy and Margaret Thatcher got something right
Admittedly I am an 'older' woman but I find Al Gore breathtakingly attractive.  He had me at "global warming is real"...When I met Al Gore at a climate presenters training, I was totally smitten.
Clean Energy Investment Falls 22% as Subsidy Cuts Stall Projects - Bloomberg
Clean energy investment slid 22 percent to its lowest level in four years as nations pared subsidies for technologies from wind turbines to solar power and financing in China and Brazil stalled.
Vestas Wind Loses Second CFO as Turbine Maker Seeks Turnaround - Bloomberg
Vestas Wind Systems A/S (VWS), the Danish turbine maker seeking a turnaround, said Dag Gunnar Andresen resigned, the second chief financial officer to quit in less than 18 months.

Andresen will leave for personal reasons by the end of the month
The Demographics Of Disagreement On Climate Change | New Hampshire Public Radio
The Survey Center has also been part of a project looking at public attitudes about climate change – namely, why there’s a consensus among scientists – but not the public - that global warming is happening and caused by human activity.
Ron Dembo: Earth Day: Wake Up People, Climate Change Is Kicking Our Butts!
it is hard not to feel we are losing the war on climate change. In just these eight years, while all the efforts grow, the world has actually declined dramatically. There is far more carbon in our atmosphere, there are far fewer fish in the oceans.
So why do I continue? Because I believe that at some tipping point, we will realize that we are in the middle of World War 3 and we will mobilize.

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