Monday, April 15, 2013

Report: Construction pay seen rising as much as 30% from Keystone XL — Is that better than a free Obama phone?
Note: Under the enviro plan, no one makes any money at all.
EU to vote tomorrow on propping up carbon market; Delay sought in issuance of 900 million tons of permits |
“With prices languishing at less than €5 per tonne – because of a glut of the carbon allowances that allow companies to pollute without penalty – it risks instead becoming an embarrassing EU policy failure.”
- Bishop Hill blog - Grantham style
Superrich environmentalist Jeremy Grantham has graciously allowed the Guardian to publish his most profound thoughts on pretty much everything. The whole thing is rather fun, particularly when the great man reveals just how eccentric he is. Take this on sceptics, for example...
Recent 3 Months U.S. Temperature trend/decade: – 4.1 F COOLER in 100 years | UD/RK Samhälls Debatt
So the “warming trend” 2000-2013 for Jan-Mar is exactly - 0.41 F degrees a decade. That is - 4.1 F COOLER in 100 years. That’s what I call “warming”!
Global Warming and Climate Change: Science and Politics | The Next Grand Minimum
I have been examining the multiple solar cycles for years and have arrived at a similar conclusion. If the two cycles are superimposed we are going to need some warm clothes, but the real danger is much shorter growing seasons, resulting in food shortages. Stay Tuned.

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