Sunday, April 28, 2013

Secret Climate Meetings | NoFrakkingConsensus
...Stone is a chemist by training. But he has not been awarded a Nobel in chemistry. Or in physics. Or in medicine, economics, or literature. It is therefore utterly and outrageously wrong for a reporter to describe him as a Nobel-winning scientist.

If the MPs attending these meetings are being told that they should listen to what this career bureaucrat thinks because he’s a Nobel prize winner, they are being profoundly misled.

Which is exactly why there should be a public record of what is being said and done at these meetings.
Scotland - Prolonged cold decimates lobster supplies
Lobster landings have fallen by as much as 90% off the east coast of Scotland, forcing a sharp rise in wholesale prices, reports the Scottish Creel Fishermen’s Federation.

Prolonged cold weather has caused a shortage of Scottish lobster supplies, the Federation reported. Langoustine catches were also reported to be as much as 70% down in the Clyde fisheries area.
Secretary Of State – Arctic To Be Ice-Free This Summer | Real Science
August 31, 2009
John Kerry
Scientists project that the Arctic will be ice-free in the summer of 2013.
What To Expect When CO2 Hits 400 PPM | Real Science
The climate doesn’t care about human neuroses or political agendas. Corals evolved with CO2 levels above 4,000 PPM CO2.
400 PPM CO2 means nothing – other than another meaningless number for clueless people to get hysterical about. CO2 is at historically low levels in the geological record.
Ex-Obama climate czar Browner credits skeptics with stopping climate alarmism |
“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers…” (Henry V, Act 4)

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