Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Disgraceful Episode Of Lysenkoism Brings Us Global Warming Theory - Forbes
Lysenkoism was “politically correct” (a term invented by Lenin) because it was consistent with certain broader Marxist doctrines. Marxists wanted to believe that heredity had a limited role even among humans, and that human characteristics changed by living under socialism would be inherited by subsequent generations of humans. Thus would be created the selfless new Soviet man.
Lysenko was consequently embraced and lionized by the Soviet media propaganda machine. Scientists who promoted Lysenkoism with faked data and destroyed counterevidence were favored with government funding and official recognition and award. Lysenko and his followers and media acolytes responded to critics by impugning their motives, and denouncing them as bourgeois fascists resisting the advance of the new modern Marxism.

The V.I. Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences announced on August 7, 1948 that thenceforth Lysenkoism would be taught as the only correct theory. All Soviet scientists were required to denounce any work that contradicted Lysenkoism. Ultimately, Soviet geneticists resisting Lysenkoism were imprisoned and even executed. Lysenkoism was abandoned for the correct modern science of Mendelian genetics only as late as 1964.
Peter Kent’s Earth Day gift to Canadians: 24 hours without the climate scare
Canadian Environment Minister Peter Kent gave us an unexpected gift on April 22: his Earth Day speech focused on real environmental protection and included nothing at all about climate change, global warming, greenhouse gases or carbon dioxide.
Climate change and dead fish: Think global, act local | Sun Journal
Last summer, hundreds of economically valuable, fun-to-catch trout died at Lake Auburn...Certainly any action that helps curb global warming is worthwhile, such as reducing use of fossil fuels by setting the thermostat a few degrees lower or making fewer trips in your car.
DNR Says Fish Kills Common in Spring - Chelsea, MI Patch
The Department of Natural Resources reminds everyone that after the ice melts on Michigan's lakes, it is not uncommon to discover dead fish or other aquatic creatures. Typical Michigan winters with heavy snow and ice cover create conditions that cause fish and other creatures such as soft-shell turtles, frogs, toads and crayfish to die.

"Winterkill is the most common type of fish kill," said DNR Fisheries Division Production Manager Gary Whelan.

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