Sunday, April 28, 2013

Warmist Jon Clark: CO2 is allegedly causing atmospheric moisture to increase 4%, which allegedly causes less frequent rain. Also the number of non-warmist scientists in the world allegedly wouldn't fill a bus

Wanted: Republican leaders on climate change: As I See It |
“The new normal in the coming decades is going to be more and more extreme flood-drought-flood cycles like we are seeing now in the Midwest, and this sort of weather whiplash is going to be an increasingly severe pain in the neck for society," according to meteorologist Jeff Masters.

Climate scientists have long been telling us that a warmer atmosphere holds more moisture. Scientists at explain our wild flood-drought swings: “A 4% increase in atmospheric moisture has been observed and that is consistent with a warming climate… The increased moisture in the atmosphere is driving the shift to heavier but less frequent rains.

While an atmosphere that holds more moisture has greater potential to produce heavier precipitation, precipitation events also become less frequent and shorter, as it takes longer to recharge the atmosphere with moisture. By analogy, a larger bucket holds and dumps more water, but takes longer to refill.”

Even with worsening extreme weather, some Republicans remain “skeptical” on the issue of climate change. To those individuals I would ask them to consider the following. A study by James Powell, who was a member of the National Science Board for 12 years, found that of the 13,950 peer-reviewed articles on climate change from 1991-2012, a total of 24 papers “reject human-caused global warming or endorse a cause other than CO2 emissions for observed warming.”

These 13,950 articles had a total of 33,690 authors while the number of authors of “skeptics” papers had a total of 34. This is the extent of the “debate” about the science. The number of scientists who say that we are causing climate change by burning fossil fuels would fill Harrisburg’s Metro Bank Park five times over; the number of scientists who disagree wouldn’t fill a bus to get to the game.

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