Saturday, April 20, 2013

Uh-oh: Warmist USDA-funded survey of Corn Belt farmers finds that only 8% agreed with the statement "Climate change is occurring, and it is mostly caused by human activities"

Farmers And Climate Change
The survey polled more than 4,700 farmers in the U.S. Corn Belt. Respondents were located in 22 watersheds, representing 60 percent of the nation’s corn producers. The survey targeted larger-scale corn producers, those grossing at least $100,000 annually, from South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Arbuckle saw a 26 percent response rate, out of 18,800 total farmers who were sent the survey, which is comparable to the U.S. Ag Census.
The article above fails to provide a link to the detailed survey results.  On page 7 of the detailed results (PDF), we see that 8% of the farmers agreed with the statement "Climate change is occurring, and it is mostly caused by human activities".
This USDA funded project gathers data from 26 field sites and thousands of farmers in eight Midwestern states, with the goal of creating a suite of practices for corn-based systems that:

retain and enhance soil organic matter and nutrient and carbon stocks
reduce off-field nitrogen losses that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution...

1 comment:

Laurence Clark Crossen said...

And I thought they believed in AGW and the consequent importance of ethanol for the welfare of the world. Instead, they seem to be deliberately deceiving everyone to make money off ethanol and making corn expensive for the hungry. How much longer are we going to subsidize such people?