Sunday, May 12, 2013


Still The Coldest Spring In US History | Real Science
Almost half way through May, 2013 is still the coldest meteorological spring in US history.
There has been no trend in springtime temperatures in the US since at least 1895.
Expanding Waistlines Contribute to Global Warming - YouTube
[NBC] Researchers have found that populations of heavier people contribute more harmful gases to the earth's atmosphere than populations of thinner people.
The Way Nature Intended | NoFrakkingConsensus
The natural world is heartless and cruel. Yet we humans equate ‘natural’ with ‘good’.
Rapidly Melting Arctic Has The Most Ice In The Last Ten Years | Real Science
The Arctic has the most sea ice for the date since at least 2004.
Leading government experts say that the Arctic will be ice-free in a few weeks.
Last Time Alarmists Used Their Brain Was 60 Million Years Ago | Real Science
We are being bombarded with moronic statements like :
“Last time CO2 reached 400 PPM, [things were very different blah blah blah] ……”
That may or may not be true, but anyone with half a brain in their head would recognize that this indicates that by definition, whatever they are whining about has no correlation with CO2.
Experts: CO2 record illustrates 'scary' trend
"We are a society that has inadvertently chosen the double-black diamond run without having learned to ski first," NASA climate scientist Gavin Schmidt said. "It will be a bumpy ride."

1 comment:

Sean said...

Donna Laframbois says, "The natural world is heartless and cruel. Yet we humans equate ‘natural’ with ‘good’.". Personally I think most equate natural with green whose politics seems more heartless and cruel by the day.