Sunday, May 12, 2013

Warmist Tim Worstall now suggests that the most likely scenario is one "where climate change never does manage to become a large problem"

It’s weird about climate change, isn’t it?
As the actual scientists continually downgrade the likely effects of climate change the propagandists keep upgrading their claims.

The estimates of climate sensitivity are being massaged down.
Going back to those SRES scenarios I’d say that that A1T is indeed the most likely one, given what we’ve seen in the couple of decades since they were first laid out. And the joy of that is that A1T is one of the very few scenarios where climate change never does manage to become a large problem.
Flashback: Warmist Tim Worstall still has trouble understanding why sane Americans aren't very keen about paying a brand-new $1600 annual bad-weather-prevention tax

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