Tuesday, May 28, 2013


- Bishop Hill blog - Tom Chivers on climate sensitivity
the suggestion that Otto is a an outlier - a single paper - is demonstrably nonsense. There are now many papers showing climate sensitivity less than 2°C.
Evaluating Success At Reversing Global Warming | Real Science
Climate experts have told us that recent cold and snow is due to global warming.
It follows then that if we were to reverse global warming, we should expect to see warmer temperatures and less snow.
However, if we fail to reverse global warming – we should expect to see even colder temperatures and more snow.
If global warming is left unbridled, we will most certainly all freeze to death.
Popular Technology.net: 97% Study Falsely Classifies Scientists' Papers, according to the scientists that published them
Update 2: Dr. Morner, Soon and Carlin also falsely classified
The NO CARBON TAX Climate Sceptics Blog: Evasive Tim Flannery dodges Senate Estimates.
Tim Flannery is Australia's (or should that be Panasonics') $180,000 pa part-time Climate Commissioner. Tim has decided to dodge the Senate Estimates Hearing again. Tim has a record of dodging ticklish situations.
Bet The World on Secret Black Boxes | Musings from the Chiefio
It sure looks to me like we have a collection of Black Boxes, guarded by a Priesthood, and being used to drive policy and the people. Last time I looked, our form of government did not include the Branch Of Government of “Black Boxes”…

I can make computer code print out anything you like. It’s not hard. Without any independent and PUBLIC code review; we have no idea what the models do. I suppose I could head down the whole FOIA route, but I’m not a lawyer, and can’t afford one. I have to make a living, and this is just an unpaid public service on my part, at this point.

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