Tuesday, June 04, 2013


Energy Efficiency: Vehicle program to be stripped from Shaheen-Portman to shrink price tag -- Monday, June 3, 2013
Sponsors of a leading energy efficiency bill will eliminate a provision aimed at boosting the federal government's use of electric and natural gas-fueled vehicles after congressional budget scorers determined it would increase spending by $350 million over the next decade, a Senate aide said Friday.
Twitter / ToryAardvark
Renewable energy is clean, cheap & here what's stopping us? unaffordable, unworkable and unconnectable if that helps
Rochester, MN - Snowiest Spring ever recorded - Snowiest May ever recorded
Largest 1-Day Snowfall – Largest 2-Day snowfall – Most snow – Most depth – Highest Average Snowfall – Also the wettest May on record
Alec Baldwin Challenges Phelim McAleer to a Fracking Debate, But Will Alec Chicken Out? | Somewhat Reasonable
A debate? Between Alec Baldwin and Phelim McAleer? We’d love it, and we’re experts at it, having done the climate debate thing from opposing sides before.

Mr. Baldwin, it’s to you: Any time, any place, and any rules. Heartland will cover all expenses. If you’re not comfortable with Heartland covering your expenses, you’re welcome to pay your own way to the debate. Just post. Phelim certainly seems game.
An economist's dire warning about global warming | ITworld
[Chris Nerney] As the planet continues to warm up, and as serious efforts to address climate change continue to be impeded by a combination of lobbyist money, lazy media and, quite frankly, willfully ignorant and selfish morons who get their scientific insights from Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge, it's worth listening to the words of wisdom from a Harvard economics professor who has spent years studying the economics of global warming.
...There' a zero percent chance that the global warming skeptics are right, while the vast majority of mainstream climate scientists are wrong. It's plain silliness to believe otherwise.
[Harvard professor Martin Weitzman] "If we don't start buying into this insurance policy soon, the human race could end up being very sorry should a future climate catastrophe rear its ugly head."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Climate doesn't have catastrophes. Weather does.