Tuesday, June 04, 2013


[Current headline story on Drudge] - Emails of top Obama appointees remain a mystery
An EPA spokeswoman described Jackson's alternate email address as "an everyday, working email account of the administrator to communicate with staff and other government officials." It was later determined that Jackson also used the email address to correspond sometimes with environmentalists outside government and at least in some cases did not correct a misperception among outsiders they were corresponding with a government employee named Richard Windsor.

Although the EPA's inspector general is investigating the agency's use of secret email accounts, it is not reviewing whether emails from Jackson's secret account were released as required under the Freedom of Information Act.
The Annual NSIDC Audit | Real Science
There is a lot more ice this year, and NSIDC seems to be missing it.
McKibben vs Bernardi – science vs anecdote | Business Spectator
[McKibben] It has been known for a very long time that the molecular structure of CO2 traps heat which can be measured in a lab...The entire Arctic is melting before our eyes. If you stick a pH strip into the Sydney Harbour today it is 30 per cent more acidic then it would have been 40 years ago.
Twitter / KevinClimate: Has BishopHill @aDissentient ...
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