Friday, June 14, 2013


Obama Tells Keystone Foes He Will Unveil Climate Measures - Bloomberg
At closed-door fundraisers held over the past few weeks, the president has been telling Democratic party donors that he will unveil new climate proposals in July, according to people who have attended the events or been briefed.
Speaking to donors in Palo Alto, California last week, Obama called the need for action on climate change one of the “most important decisions” facing the country.
Hansen Makes Bizarre Carbon Tax Appeal to GOP |
Hansen says a Democrat-designed carbon tax would simply enlarge the government — a problem since”government never, seldom, makes the right choices.” So the GOP ought introduce a redistributive carbon tax? Really?
Jim Hansen: Climate change is the GOP's worst nightmare
“It has to be a carbon tax and it really has to come from conservatives,” Hansen said. The reason is that the tax has to be market-based and revenue neutral...Democrats have a problem they can’t keep their hands off our wallets."
EU 2030 decarbonisation targets and UK carbon budgets: why so little science? |
The debate on the appropriate level of EU emission reductions for 2030 is being conducted in a scientific vacuum. Certainly the decision is ultimately political, but the neglect of any robust scientific framing is emblematic of how the rhetoric of climate change has come to dominate even well meaning discussions, whether amongst governments, NGOs, businesses or academics.
Space and Science Research Corporation Press Release June 10, 2013 | Right Reason
What we found is that the Arctic which has recently been setting new records for warm temperatures and the least amount of sea ice extent, is about to leave this past period of warmth and head into many years of deep cold.

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