Friday, June 14, 2013


Varotsos et al: Evidence for two abrupt warming events of SST in the last century | Tallbloke's Talkshop
Apart from the obligatory nod to AGW in the final sentence of this abstract, this paper looks like a promising roundup of the natural factors involved in the ~60yr climate cycle, with the notable exception of geomagnetic considerations.
An Engineer’s Take on Climate Change #2 | Watts Up With That?
High Atmospheric CO2 is Good for All Life on Earth
The Mighty Bakken (Resourceship in Action: II) — MasterResource
[Ed. note: North Dakota registered $25.3 billion in taxable economic activity 2012, a 29 percent increase from 2011. The major reason for this economic boom is described below.]
The Massive Fire Of 1890 | Real Science
The MSM is reporting that the fire today is the worst in Colorado history. This is patently absurd, it isn’t even in the same league as some of the fires from the 1890s..
What Could Possibly Go Wrong? | Real Science
All of these homes burned up today.
They were doomed from the day they were built. Pine forests burn every dozen years or so – it is an essential part of the forest cycle.
The New Nostradamus of the North: Head of UK Met Office Hadley Centre: "we now have rock-solid evidence to demonstrate that the world is warming"
[Belcher] We now have rock-solid evidence to demonstrate that the world is warming, and that this increase is due to human activity; we are as certain about these things as we ever can be in science.

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