Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Twitter / O_Heffernan: The carbon food pyramid...say ...
The carbon food pyramid...say goodbye to buttered know you should anyway ;)
What cap and trade can teach us about the immigration vote
House Democrats who had voted for the bill [cap and tax] were left with the worst of both political worlds. Not only had they cast a very tough vote but they also had absolutely nothing to show for it. Republicans knew a hanging political curve ball when they saw one and used that cap and trade vote to bash targeted Democrats in the 2010 election. Dozens lost, defeats that contributed in no small part to Democrats losing their House majority.
Bolivia: Drought and frost damage 28,000 hectares of potato
According to the latest reports from the Interior, 50 communities in the municipalities of Capinota Tarata Tiquipaya Sipe, Sacabamba and Vacas were affected by a frost that burned season crops.
CO2 Science: Cold Weather vs. Warm Weather: Which Kills More People?
The five Portuguese researchers report finding "a linear relationship between daily mean PET, during winter, and the risk of myocardial infarction, after adjustment for confounding factors," thus confirming that "the thermal environment, during winter, is inversely associated with acute myocardial infarction morbidity in Portugal," where they observed "an increase of 2.2% of daily hospitalizations per degree fall of PET, during winter, for all ages."
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Paper finds no increase in extreme rainfall in N. Italy over past 90 years

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