Monday, June 03, 2013


The Consensus On Global Cooling | William M. Briggs
A citizen is well justified to think: “Scientists were so sure before, and claim to be so again. But they were wrong before. Therefore it is rational to suppose they might be wrong again. Only a zealot would disagree. Plus, the dire threats of starvation and so forth are just the same then as now. So which is it? Is it a cooler world or a hotter one which spells death? And just what is the ideal, to-be-desired-for-all-time climate? Exactly now, please.”
Twitter / alicebell
"are we stuck in the jaws of climate change?" enviro comms jumps the (inflatable) shark? (ht )
Twitter / Foxgoose
@carbonbrief @BarryJWoods Like children's TV before they discovered drugs...& we're paying these clowns to patronise us #MetOfficeActivism
Twitter / clim8resistance
Met Office demonstrate low estimation of their audience again. It's as if there was a shortage of patronising green edicts. @carbonbrief
Airlines agree common plan for tackling emissions | Reuters
State-owned Chinese and Indian airlines voted against the measure, echoing what analysts see as the reluctance of their governments to set a precedent for wider climate control talks.
CET cooling in line with solar model prediction | Watts Up With That?
[David Archibald] Despite what is happening to their climate, the UK is persisting with a project to convert their largest coal-fired power station, Drax in North Yorkshire, to burning woodchips to be imported from the United States. This is an attempt to placate the gods of climate at a capital cost for the conversion of £700 million ($1,070 million). This is laughable and very tragic at the same time. The whole circus will end in tears.

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