Friday, July 26, 2013


The IPCC AR5 Is in Real Trouble | Cato @ Liberty
[Michaels/Knappenberger] The IPCC has three options:

Round-file the entire AR5 as it now stands and start again.
Release the current AR5 with a statement that indicates that all the climate change and impacts described within are likely overestimated by around 50%, or
Do nothing and mislead policymakers and the rest of the world.

We’re betting on door number 3.
Demoralize the anti-oil fringe
With political energy and leadership failing, it is refreshing to see leaders of global energy companies defend their moral right and financial opportunity to serve consumers with affordable, reliable energies. Energy education is well served-and corporate responsibility enhanced-by debunking the tired arguments of climate alarmism and rejecting government energy planning.
3rd Daily Record in 4 Days for Antarctic Sea Ice Extent | sunshine hours
uly 26 (Day 206) saw the 3rd Daily Record in 4 Days for Antarctic Sea Ice Extent.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New book says Earth is too cold for maximum development of the biosphere
A new book by Professor of Earth Sciences Toby Tyrell "finds that the Earth is actually too cold for the maximum development of the biosphere." A review of the book published today in Nature Climate Change states, "Using net primary production and biodiversity as metrics, Tyrell finds that the Earth is actually too cold for the maximum development of the biosphere" and "the climate and biogeochemical cycles of the Holocene [the past ~11,000 years] have been unusually stable."

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