Tuesday, July 02, 2013


Cold weather snags start of salmon season : News : UpNorthLive.com
[July 1, 2013] BENZIE COUNTY -- Northerly winds are keeping salmon from the biting the lines of Northern Michigan anglers.

Typically, salmon start biting in the Benzie County area around mid-May, but northern winds have kept salmon in the southern counties.
Republicans use 'war on coal' charge to tarnish Dems ahead of elections | Fox News
Foes of President Obama's alleged "war on coal" climate plan are hoping to use the combustible issue to tarnish Democrats in the next round of elections.
Czech govt tells MEPs to reject CO2 backloading, Groote optimistic - News - Point Carbon
LONDON, July 2 (Reuters Point Carbon) – The government of the Czech Republic has told the nation’s MEPs to reject a Commission proposal to prop up carbon prices in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme a day before the full EU Parliament is due to vote on it.
TONY HETHERINGTON: Carbon credits pitch is rife with false claims | This is Money
f the sale of rubbish carbon credits as investments was legally regulated by the FCA, the watchdog would already have come down like a ton of bricks on GCE and similar firms. As it is, it has no jurisdiction.

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