Monday, August 12, 2013


Young or old, song sparrows experience climate change differently from each other
"Even though we rarely see freezing temperatures on the coast of California, it was clear that an adult bird's chances of survival were lowest in the coldest winters," said co-author Tom Gardali, Pacific Coast and Central Valley Group director of Point Blue Conservation Science.
Killer Bees in Texas may be Linked to Global Warming - - Free News for Bradenton, FL and Manatee County
The invasion could be the result of migration, researchers suspect.
Obama admin blames rickety electrical grid on global warming |
“It is clear that climate change is impacting the grid,” said a top administration official in a media conference call to draw attention to worries that global warming-induced weather could knock out electricity to major portions of the nation.
Video: CEI’s Myron Ebell Discusses Study’s Claim that Global Warming Causes Violence

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