Friday, August 02, 2013


House passes amendment banning carbon tax | Politics Blog | an blog
House Republicans, with help from 12 Democrats, on Friday passed an amendment to ban a carbon tax, despite zero chances that such a policy would be enacted any time soon, and public statements by the White House that it opposes such a tax.
South Park Global Warming Guy - YouTube
[12-second video]
Could Hotter Temperatures From Climate Change Boost Violence? : NPR
The likely connection between weather fluctuations and conflict dates back at least 4,000 years, says , an assistant professor of public policy at the University of California, Berkeley, who led the current meta-analysis.

"One of the world's first powerful empires — – collapsed during a period of drought," Hsiang tells Shots. "Almost all Chinese dynasties collapsed during dry episodes. And they didn't get restarted until the climate shifted back."  [Can we assume that the climate shifted back because of some combination of carbon dioxide taxes and bicycle riding?]
Global Warming Reduces Lynchings To Zero | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
Human violence has declined significantly. During the last 150 years, the world has warmed by almost 1 degree C. The number of lynchings in the US went from 150 in the 1880s (when they were conducted in a carnival atmosphere) to zero today.

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