Friday, August 09, 2013


Report: Climate change is impacting California’s water, forests, animals - The Washington Post
The report “vastly overstates the impacts of greenhouse gases,” said University of Alabama at Huntsville atmospheric sciences professor John Christy, who holds a minority view among climate scientists.
Twitter / HaroldAmbler: To those asking "How dare you ...
To those asking "How dare you question climate scientists?" I respond: "How dare you put blind faith in computer models?" #ReasonWillPrevail
Twitter / algore: Deniers say #climate change ...
Deniers say change isn't happening. Science & common sense prove them wrong.
NZ CO2 mkt rules trigger huge rise in deforestation, windfall profits - News - Point Carbon
BEIJING, Aug 9 (Reuters Point Carbon) – Rules that allow New Zealand firms to use U.N. carbon credits to meet government carbon caps have led to a vast increase in deforestation in the past 12 months and allowed landowners to book huge profits without taking any action to cut emissions, government figures showed this week.

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