Sunday, August 11, 2013


Ian Stirling’s howler update: contradicted by scientific data | polarbearscience
These results indicate that winter/spring ice conditions in 2013 did not result in an unusual number of bears in poor body condition compared to previous years, back to 1993, and adds further support to my conclusion that the sad fate of the bear featured by the media last week was unrelated to “low levels of sea ice,” as Ian Stirling proclaimed. Starvation is unfortunately the most common cause of death for old adult polar bears, which Stirling well knows.
Study: Mother Nature melting Greenland ice from below through geothermal heating |
The Greenland ice sheet is melting from below, caused by a high heat flow from the mantle into the lithosphere. This influence is very variable spatially and has its origin in an exceptionally thin lithosphere. Consequently, there is an increased heat flow from the mantle and a complex interplay between this geothermal heating and the Greenland ice sheet.
California cooling chilling climate activism |
...It won’t be easy. Not when the thermometer outside has readings in the 60s, and the very day in mid-summer that the state issues its findings on global warming, the San Jose Mercury News carries the front-page headline, “Bundle up: Parkas are in order.”
Antarctic Sea Ice Anomaly is 1.2 million sq km higher than 2012 on the same day | sunshine hours

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