Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Global Warming Skeptics Give Obama the Cold Shoulder | The Fiscal Times
90 percent of the GOP leadership in the House and Senate say they don’t believe carbon pollution has contributed to disruptions in weather patterns, Arctic melting and severe storms and flooding. Finally, 100 percent of Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Republicans are climate change skeptics or deniers, according to a recent analysis by the left-leaning Center for American Progress Action Fund. Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK), the foremost Republican spokesman on the topic, even wrote a book, The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future.
“Global Warming” RIP, American Economy Needs Relief - George Jarkesy
And yet global warming-ism - or the belief that the planet is getting warmer because of smog - has never looked so erroneous. It has always been the theology of those who think human beings are superior to - and affect – everything, the world revolves around human action theory. In a phrase, it's delusional, an unproven theory that lacks good science - and new data is exposing what an over-the-top sideshow of ridiculousness global warming-ism is.
New Study Says Fracking Doesn't Contribute to Global Warming -
A new study in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Science concludes that hydraulic fracturing--the controversial technique behind the nation's recent oil and gas boom--doesn't appear to contribute significantly to global warming, as many environmental groups have warned.
BPS Research Digest: Climate change sceptic films more influential than advocacy films, claims study
Although the students were allocated randomly to the different conditions, those who watched the sceptic film subsequently reported more negative attitudes toward the environment than those who watched the neutral film or the affirming film. By contrast, there was no difference in attitudes to the environment between students who watched the neutral film and those who watched the affirming film.

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