Saturday, September 07, 2013


Warmism defeated in Australia: Conservatives sweep to victory |
A lesson for politicians and central planners around the world.
WaPo advocates carbon tax on day Australia dumped its carbon tax (and the politicians that imposed it) |
The first thing to do is to build the cost of pollution into the price of energy through a simple carbon tax or other market-based mechanism
Spurned Warmista: Julia Gillard — imposer of Aussie carbon tax — leaves politics, exiled to honorary professorship |
Her next post will be as an honorary college professor — whatever that is.
Siberian Arctic Is Not Warming After All – July-Temps Are Hardly Different From Those Thousands Of Years Ago!
Sebastian Lüning’s and Fritz Vahrenholt’s Die kalte Sonne site today writes about a new peer-reviewed study that shows that the Arctic is not warming quickly after all. For years alarmist scientists have told us that nowhere is warming happening faster than in the Arctic. Wrong again!

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