Another Sexual Harassment Case in Science: The Deafening Silence That Surrounds It Condones It | Priya Shetty
To briefly recap: Byrne says that Zivkovic first contacted her on Facebook, apparently to talk about science blogging, but when they met in person, he barely listened to what she had to say about her science writing, repeatedly bringing the conversation around to sex- talking about how strip clubs, how he was dissatisfied with his sexual life with his wife, and emphasizing the fact that he is "a very sexual person". Byrne later wrote to him to express her discomfort with his behaviour, at which point Zivkovic apologised.This happened | A Blog Around The Clock
[Zivkovic] It is not behavior that I have engaged in before or since. I hope to be known for my continued professional and appropriate support of science writers rather than for this singular, regrettable event for which I am deeply sorry. My behavior before and after this incident reflects my true respect for women, and I deeply regret the distress I caused to my wife and Ms.Byrne.Twitter / BoraZ: To friends I let down and perhaps ...
To friends I let down and perhaps lost today: I understand why. I am sorry. I will miss you.Twitter / David_Dobbs: ICYMI: @BoraZ, pls address ...
ICYMI:This happened. | monica byrne@BoraZ, pls address gap btwn yr “just once” apology & addl incidents alleged here:
[comment] This is almost exactly what happened to me, with Bora — same power dynamic, same sob story, same coffee-leading-to-proposition arc — so you can add one more to the tally.This happened. | monica byrne
After being sent this post by a friend who knew my story, I have quite a different perspective on the whole thing. But I’m still not quite sure what to think. The number of women he has propositioned in this way is the most telling factor, showing to what extent he was abusing his position of authority. If it was just a few women, then it really could be the case that each of the times he just did genuinely think there was chemistry and is desperate and didn’t think about the power dynamics of the situation.
[comment] I know this guy. He’s a predator. I would have recognized him without your revealing the name. My friend is one of his victims (she may even be the one you mention that he “almost had an affair with”) but sadly she seems not to realize it, and like you once thought, she thinks he has a lot to offer her professionally. Look at this guy’s pictures on Facebook. You would think his only friends were females under the age of 30. Look at the proportion of young women he features in his “incubator” compared to men. You were smart and brave to reveal his name. I applaud and congratulate you for that. I imagine that must have been scary. Now, perhaps some of his victims who don’t realize that this is sexual harassment will think again. Thank - Bora Zivkovic
Bora Zivkovic (ZHEEV-koh-veech) is the Blogs Editor at Scientific American. He is also a co-founder and vice-chair of ScienceOnline, and co-founder of He is the series editor of The Open Laboratory, the annual anthology of the best science writing online, and co-editor of its multimedia counterpart, Science Studio.
He is on the advisory board of the UNC Program for Medical and Science Journalism, on the editorial board of the Journal of Science Communication, and has held a two-year appointment (2011-13) as visiting faculty in the Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program (SHERP) at New York University. In his spare time he sometimes teaches introductory biology to non-traditional students at NC Wesleyan College.
Bora lives in Pittsboro, NC, with his wife, son, daughter, two dogs and two cats.
1 comment:
And this is the guy who called out the Duke Lacrosse? Hypocrisy is not the exclusive domain of the Christian Right...
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