Study: Global warming could yield increased crop production | The Daily Caller
Could global warming be a boon to farmers? A recent study found that rising carbon dioxide concentrations bestow an additional $11.6 trillion in benefits from crop production between now and 2050.Sydney Morning Herald on not printing letters from "deniers"
...We do not ban writers whose views suggest they are climate change deniers or sceptics. We consider their letters and arguments. But we believe the argument over whether climate change is happening and whether it is man-made has been thrashed out extensively by leading scientists and on our pages and that the main debate now is about its effects, severity, and what society does about it.Can an AGW Climatologist Be Truly Objective? — The Patriot Post
Climate change deniers or sceptics are free to express opinions and political views on our page but not to misrepresent facts. This applies to all our contributors on any subject. On that basis, a letter that says, "there is no sign humans have caused climate change" would not make the grade for our page.
Julie Lewis, Marc McEvoy Letters co-editors
Then there's another big problem: What if you have all this knowledge, you've taken a stand on this, and it's your whole life – how can you possibly be objective? The climate debate and past weather events are needed building blocks for my product. That product involves a challenge each day. In the case of a PhD on the AGW side, they believe the idea is the product. Destroy the idea, you destroy the product; destroy the product, you destroy the person. Therefore, it's personal. Your whole life – all the fawning students, the rock star status – is all gone. I would hate to be in that position. Each day I get up, and there it is – the weather challenging me. The answer is the fruit of my labor, not the object of it. Because of that, you'll look for anything to come up with the correct answer, not just a predetermined one where your self-esteem depends on it.
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