Sunday, October 06, 2013


Worldwide vigils for Greenpeace activists held by Russian authorities | Environment | The Observer
the Russian deputy foreign minister, Alexei Meshkov, said Russia had repeatedly asked the Netherlands to halt "illegal activity" by the ship. "Unfortunately, this was not done. Therefore, we have far more questions for the Dutch side than they can have for us. Everything that happened with the Arctic Sunrise was pure provocation." Piracy carries a prison sentence of up to 15 years.
Climate change alarm is truly hot air | Perth Now
IN 2007 Professor Ross Garnaut was so terrified of global warming he ordered a steel roof for his Melbourne home.

"Australia will experience variable, but dramatic changes in climate with increasing storms," he explained to the City of Yarra council.

"Severe and more frequent hailstorms will be a feature of this change."
Climate Change: Mayors Around the Globe Leading an Urban Revolution | Common Dreams
[David Cadman, a city councilor from Vancouver] Climate change is a “five-alarm fire and hardly any national government is taking the needed actions”, he said.
Nuttercelli Says That Disastrously Failed Climate Models Were Spot On Accurate | Real Science
Apparently the IPCC actually predicted no warming for the past 17 years and record snowfall, but just worded it incorrectly in a way which made it sound like they were saying the exact opposite.

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