Sunday, February 09, 2014

Letters: Name and shame the climate-change deniers

Letters: Name and shame the climate-change deniers - Letters - Voices - The Independent: "There is a longstanding tradition of naming extreme weather events such as hurricanes and typhoons. Perhaps the time has come for scientists to give them more relevant titles and name them after the malicious pundits, politicians and media whose actions have prevented the world from taking the necessary steps to fight this worsening catastrophe faced by the whole of humanity.

Aidan Harrison, Rothbury,  Northumberland"


Anonymous said...

Worsening catastrophe is retarded. There are no gradations of catastrophe.

Anonymous said...

I doubt anyone would be shamed by having a storm named after them. I think it would be a badge of honor really.

Anonymous said...

The AGW fanatics, in the light of statements like this and the ominous behavior recently displayed in Houston, at the home of an executive of the KXL effort, are losing all pretense of civility. They lost rationality some time ago.

Anonymous said...

Stupid angry old Giffer who normally gets exercised about not being able to park his car exactly where he wants to.