Sunday, July 26, 2009

"Weather" cannot be predicted more than a few weeks ahead. Change the name from "weather" to "climate" and it can suddenly be predicted hundreds of years ahead.
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Getting a grip on Greenland's future
The Ilulissat glacier has indeed retreated dramatically in recent years - more than 15km in the last decade alone - but plenty of evidence suggests such rapid change in the ice is not unprecedented.

In fact, over the last 10,000 years (a period of long-term warming since the end of the last Ice Age), the glaciers on Greenland's west coast have been through many periods of advance and retreat.

Four thousand years ago, the Earth was significantly warmer than it is now, and accordingly the glacier retreated; but the evidence suggests it was perhaps only 20km back from its current position.

In other words, the Ilulissat glacier may reach a point in its retreat where the dynamics of the ice sheet make further regression very difficult, and very slow.
Comment on "Kevin Grandia | Farm Bureau President Bob Stallman Believes in Global Cooling"
[drwilliams] The public is indeed speaking, and the message that you need to deal with is that they aren't buying what you're trying to sell. Rather than come unglued, why don't you ask yourself why? If the science is indeed settled, then perhaps the fault is with the salesmen, and their techniques.

Like ad hom attacks on a persons name.

Like pulling out the same canned bluster when you get called on it.

1 comment:

papertiger said...

Grandia's trying to convince the Farm Bureau that more heat and co2 would be a bad thing.
He has high hopes.

Sometime after Monckton destroyed Littlemore Desmog blog morphed into Democratic Underground.
The deleted my account, so I can't easily comment there any longer.
Supposing I re-register, they have developed the dreaded comment logger so their site manager can rebut with a withering "look at the newbie with only one comment".

Back in the day Desmog's minions would flood the first comment with replys in order to knock any critical comment off the first page. Now they don't seem to have enough followers to do the trick.