Thursday, October 15, 2009

Jon Sanders : Apparently a Less-Warm Planet Requires Loads of Pork, Red Tape, and Union Favoritism -
Again, weighing the full costs and benefits of proposed legislation is what responsible citizens do. Cap-and-trade's costs may be significant, but don't forget its benefits include increasing government corruption, growing bureaucracy, promoting pork-barrel politics, exploiting the poor, and empowering labor unions. Add to that freedom from the fear that winter heating costs might fall again as they did in 2009-10, and the true worth of the idea should become evident to all.
Another possible DMSP/SSMI sea ice sensor failure? « Watts Up With That?
Note the downward glitch in the black 2009 line.
Scientist calls Canada a climate-change laggard | Canada | News | Calgary Sun
OTTAWA — A prominent environmental scientist and author says Canada has been a laggard in talks to forge a new deal to fight climate change.

Australian Tim Flannery says the world faces a watershed moment at the United Nations climate-change conference in Copenhagen in December.

The best-selling author of The Weather Makers says Canada has been “singularly unhelpful” at negotiations to broker a draft deal in time for Copenhagen.
Tim Flannery: Information from
Professor Tim Flannery (born 28 January 1956) is an Australian mammalogist, palaeontologist, and environmental and global warming activist.
Reuters » U.S. hunters, anglers weigh in on climate change | Blogs |
[This is climate, not weather?] “I was deer hunting last weekend and here it is October and it is 90 degrees (about 32 Celsius),” he said in his thick southern accent.

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