Friday, April 16, 2010

Your power bills will triple | Herald Sun
There is one reason and one person to blame: the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. He is condemning all Australians to this literally dim and very expensive future, whether or not Penny Wong's ETS Dead Parrot is brought to life.
Markey presses coal CEOs on climate change denialism, future of the industry in a low carbon economy (posting from Climate Science Watch)
Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA) was even more blunt. “If you take the lifeline sent to the coal industry in this bill, the industry will have a future. If you do not, it will not have a future.”
C3: Liberals/Democrats Stunned To Learn Glaciers Started Melting 100+ Years Before 1980: Not Aware of Little Ice Age End!
Much to the consternation of leading leftists/liberals/progressives, the press is starting to inform these mainstream elites of real data-based science. They are now learning about the empirical evidence which shows that global warming has been happening since the end of the Little Ice Age.
The Migrant Mind: Polar Bears have seen warmth before.
...This, of course, means that polar bears lived through the last interglacial period when it was warmer than it is today. And we are supposed to worry about us killing the polar bears. What a laugh. The bears can take care of themselves.
Climate Common Sense: Heads in the Sand- Climate Scepticism Can Be Cured!
For those suffering from acute Climate Scepticism brought about by inadvertent exposure to faulty data and contaminated emails help is at hand.
She should get a lot of business given that two thirds of the UK population obviously have mental problems because they think climate change is a load of bollocks!

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