Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A tax to make you richer! | Australian Climate Madness
It's a miracle! If you're a "low or middle income" earner, you'll be better off under a carbon tax, says Greg Combet. It's just the gift that keeps on giving!

Such is the laughable level to which the government's rhetoric has sunk, Combet is depserately trying to bribe a section of the Australian population into supporting it. And of course, it's the rest of us that will be hit hardest. Sounds like a simple redistribution of wealth to me. Take from the rich and give back to the poor - it's that 'S-word' again, isn't it?
Forbes.com - The Green Energy Economy Reconsidered
We abandoned "green" energy centuries ago for five very good reasons.
Zeroed out: NOAA Climate Service funding axed in budget CR | Watts Up With That?
Page 2: Commerce, Justice, Science: “This section of the CR also prohibits funding for: the establishment of a Climate Service at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.“
GORE STORE NO MORE | Daily Telegraph Tim Blair Blog
After suffering seven straight quarters of losses, today the merchandise giant Wal-Mart will announce that it is “going back to basics,” ending its era of high-end organic foods, going “green,” and the remainder of its appeal to the upscale market. Next month the company will launch an “It’s Back” campaign to woo the millions of customers who have fled the store.

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