Thursday, July 07, 2011

Widespread flood threat to continue through summer
Many factors set the stage for this year’s ongoing flood threat, including persistent rainfall last summer and fall, a large winter snowpack across much of the upper Midwest, an unusually cool and wet spring adding additional snowpack in the higher elevations of the Rockies and further saturated soil in lower elevations and in the northern Plains, and above-normal to record river levels for this time of year in the at-risk areas.
Thick Ice Area Has More Than Doubled Since 2008 | Real Science
According to US Navy PIPS2 data, the area of ice greater than 2.5 metres has more than doubled since the same date in 2008.

Cryosat 2 recently confirmed the accuracy of PIPS2.
C3: May, 1926: Explorers Find Open Water At North Pole --- July, 2011: North Pole Solid Ice
Explorers floating over the North Pole during May 1926 "saw much open water at the North Pole" from the dirigible Norge.

In contrast, the July 6, 2011 view from a satellite that reveals no open water at North Pole
Lord Monckton hung up on in heated interview with ABC Radio | Herald Sun
ABC radio presenter Adam Spencer has been told to "shut up" and stop being childish during a heated on-air exchange with climate change sceptic Lord Christopher Monckton.

In what was more a debate than an interview, Spencer hung up on his guest before calling back to resume the interview.

The tension began when Spencer asked Lord Monckton about his claims that he is a Nobel Laureate.

1 comment:

Oksanna said...

Monckton responded to two of Adams Spencer's specific questions concerning Greenland research and critics of his Congressional testimony. Regarding Adam's question of CO2 in the Cambrian era, Monckton tried to finish his answer, but Adam did not want to hear it and abruptly finished the interview, saying "that's not going anywhere". Where did he intend the interview to go? Perhaps concerned that Monckton was so easily swatting his bouncers away, Adam threw down his cricket ball and went home. The question remains: Adam Spencer declared twice that he was impartial. Why then did he hang up?