Saturday, September 03, 2011

From Cufflinks to Handcuffs: My experiences at the White House « It’s Getting Hot In Here
I really admired Steven Chu for being a great scientist who straightforwardly said what he thought about energy issues; many times I told my friends that Chu was by-far the smartest and most qualified Secretary of Energy we had ever had. That’s why I was so utterly disappointed when he told EneryNow that he thought the Keystone XL pipeline was a good idea
Beware of the Coming....Ice Age? - Katie Pavlich
Apparently, a mini iceage may be on its way. Between the global cooling hysteria in the 1970s and the rampant global warming alarmists trying to take all of our money for "green" energy projects, I'm going to sit back and let Mother Earth do her thing and accept that as a small human being, I can't change the climate or the weather.
Hurricanes Are Getting Much Worse Due To CO2 | Real Science
Labor Day 1935 brought the strongest hurricane to ever hit the US, killing 600 people. In September 1900, a hurricane hit Galveston – killing 6,000 people.

Labor Day, 2011 is bringing puddles to New Orleans. There will probably be an auto accident or two – which the LSM will no doubt blame on global warming.
E-Mail Interaction Between Peter Gleick And I On Wolfgang Wagner’s Resignation | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
[Warmist Gleick] Also, there have been scientific rebuttals (which I’m not competent to assess)
[Pielke Sr] I have expertise in the subject of the Spencer and Braswell paper. I also read the Real Climate post, and am knowledgeable on the Trenberth and colleagues work. I have published on closely related topics. I can tell you that, whereas there certainly may be issues with the S&B paper (as with the Trenberth work and all published papers), it is an appropriate scientific study worthy of appearing in the peer reviewed literature.
What I suggest is that you seek different climate scientists than you used for your Forbes article, but who do not have a stake in the findings of the S&B paper, or its refutation. Select several in the topic area of the S&B paper, and request that they review the S&B work, and then report on their findings along with who they are. If you select individuals who are seen as less biased by all sides on this subject, you will have significantly closed the gap between our two views (and on the viewpoints of others).

1 comment:

Brian G Valentine said...

Voices of the "Youth Climate Movement."

A little skunk who attended American University to learn how to be an "activist" has nothing meaningful to show the world except pictures of himself with people he appointed himself to be the judge of to decide if they were any good or not.

How many more little skunky know-nothings are out there whose claim to fame will remain spending their existence knowing nothing at all and criticizing everything their disastrous little "brains" told them was no good?

The education system in this country has become an unmitigated disaster, hasn't it