Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ed Markey: Global warming, if unaddressed, could lead to "events so horrific," ... that they could "dwarf" other catastrophes in human history

The New Abolitionists: Global warming is the great moral crisis of our time
Why the climate-justice movement must embrace its radicalism to fight it
..."As the Minutemen responded, so must we," Markey tells his audience, calling for an unspecified "bold plan" from Washington to cut greenhouse emissions and prevent future "devastation." Global warming, if unaddressed, could lead to "events so horrific," he says, that they could "dwarf" other catastrophes in human history. In his final remarks, Markey intones, with what sounds like real passion:

"The American Revolution, it started here. The abolitionist movement, it started here. The women's movement, it started here. The anti-Vietnam movement, it started here. . . . The Freedom Riders, going South in the '60s, they left on buses from here. . . . [Global warming] is our generational challenge. The preceding generations accepted their challenges. of the world's leading climate scientists, Kevin Anderson at the UK's Tyndall Centre, has said that 4 degrees C would be "incompatible with an organized global community."If slavery was the great human, moral crisis of the 19th century, then global warming is the great human, moral crisis of our own time. And the movement to confront it has every reason to be as resolute and as radical, in its own way, as the movement that ended slavery.

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