Wednesday, February 13, 2013

NFL Reportedly Considering Backup Plan for Cold-Weather Super Bowl
The game will be the first Super Bowl played in an open-air stadium in an area with consistently cold weather in February (h/t ESPN). With the amount of bad winter weather that has hit the East Coast this year, establishing contingency plans is a necessity for the league.

According to Kaplan, the league may explore the possibility of delaying the game several days or playing it on a Saturday should poor weather conditions threaten to make it impossible to play on its traditional day.
Global Warming — The Patriot Post
I continue to be both alarmed and amused that anthropogenic (manmade) global warming is such an important issue for the political left to focus on at a cost to our economy of trillions of dollars over a period of years.
Joe D'Aleo described our atmosphere as a 100 story building, with man's contribution of carbon dioxide amounting to the level of linoleum on the first floor.
Looking forward to... | Facebook
[Michael E. Mann] Jeffrey--in my experience, [RFK Jr] is excellent on climate change (as is NRDC, whom we works for)
[Look what Michael Mann is linking to] | Facebook
‎"Global Warming Made Nemo Stronger. Also, Global Warming is Killing Nemo"
"The Credibility of... | Facebook
[Michael E. Mann] great. Bill asked me if I could participate [in the Feb. 17 DC global warming protest], but I'd already committed to AAAS Meeting in Boston. Assuming they're dug out by now, that's where I'll be. But I'll be following this w/ great interest, and I'm sure it will be a focus of discussion at AAAS...

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