Thursday, July 11, 2013

Truly odd stuff from Minnesota warmist Paul Douglas: He says "July is Nirvana", although that's our warmest month, with an average high almost 40 F. higher than the year-round average temp.

Slight Severe Risk Today (will Tropical Storm Chantal threaten Southeast USA?) |
I appreciate every Minnesota season, but summers here defy the imagination: a warm blur of water, family and cabin-related injuries. If I could I'd freeze-frame, memorize and replay every July. Not nearly as soggy as June, July is Nirvana, one luxurious, postcard-perfect month before talk of the State Fair & Back To School Sales.

Yes, I'm a fan of July, in spite of the peaking heat and drippy dew points. Like all good things in life a Minnesota July is a something to be unwrapped slowly, a gift - fleeting and ephemeral.

No, I'm not on the payroll of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce. But for a kid weened on the Jersey Shore, dodging syringes, jellyfish & hurricanes, there is nothing that compares with Minnesota's lakes, parks and trails. This is why most of us don't run off to Arizona for good.
Average Weather for Minneapolis, MN - Temperature and Precipitation
The average warmest month is July. [Average high 84 F.]
Climate of the Twin Cities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
average annual temperature of 45.4 at the Minneapolis St. Paul International airport

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