Controversy over U.N. report on climate change as warming appears to slow - CBS News
"This whole thing is just a blogstorm in a teacup," the British climatologist told "The IPCC is there to assess the literature and tell people what the scientists are saying." The report is meant to explain what scientists have reported, not conduct original science, he continued. "The idea that IPCC needs to be up to date on what was written last week is just ridiculous."
"It skews all of these diagnostics. Look at the long-term content, and ocean heat temperature is rising. We're doing things to the planet that are geological in scope. I don't use those words lightly."
He doesn't expect the IPCC to devote much time to the issue of the apparent lull. "This whole thing has an element for 'what can we find to try to undermine the IPCC' before it's even done, and there's a lot of that going around this week," he said.
The deniers' approach, says Schmidt is, "sling enough mud and hope something sticks. This seems to be a little sticky so this will be what they focus on."
" warming appears to slow"
Leave it to CBS to find a way to hide the actual measured slowdown in warming.
Gavin Schmidt is a criminal liar or a completely deluded fool. Either way--and I'm sure both are true, unless and until he says something even approximating the real situation (which is that the global mean surface temperature has NOT been rising, which makes arguments about the ocean heat incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial, as Perry Mason would say)--he should be fired, and indicted, for determinedly yelling "fire" in a crowded world-theatre. I think the proper title for him and his alarmist ilk is "schmuck".
Ah, but is it a super-storm, an unprecedented storm, a 1000 year storm, or God forbid a hellish combination of all?
“ocean heat temperature is rising.” Eh?
Old Scottish term for “ what does that mean?”
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